by mitchtsai | Mar 15, 2023 | Uncategorized |
Our firm is representing the Friends of Newport Harbor group in its battle to oppose the construction of a confined aquatic disposal facility intended to store hazardous waste in Newport Harbor. A recent Los Angeles Times’ Daily Pilot article outlines the...
by mitchtsai | Mar 10, 2023 | Uncategorized |
Mitchell M. Tsai has joined the Alumni Board of Lewis & Clark Law School, a top law school that is located in the greater Northwest region of the United States. The law school is known for its nationally ranked programs, including the top environmental law...
by mitchtsai | Feb 23, 2023 | Uncategorized |
As an organization advocating for tenant rights, healthy housing, and equitable development, SAJE (Strategic Actions For a Just Economy) is celebrating its 27th anniversary with an event honoring community activists who have made a difference. The Mitchell M. Tsai...
by mitchtsai | Dec 27, 2022 | Uncategorized |
Firm employees celebrated the joys of the season at the recent Firm holiday party by showing off “ugly Christmas sweaters” or “most festive holiday sweaters” (depending on your outlook). Employees also took part in a team-building contest to...
by mitchtsai | Dec 6, 2022 | Uncategorized |
Mitchell M. Tsai has been selected as an Associate Fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America. The Litigation Counsel of America is a trial lawyer honorary society composed of less than one-half of one percent of American lawyers. Fellowship in the LCA is highly...